Monthly Archives: September 2013

Just before all hell breaks loose!


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We are waiting for the break of a storm of proportions. Brasil has declared a red alert for this area, but as usual, Uruguay’s weather forecast agency has just labelled it orange because it’s always preferable to risk the population than to face criticism if things don’t get that bad.

As a foreword to the main event we’ve had three days of unbereable heat, humidity and low pressure. Ants, by the million, have invaded my backyard in a mad frenzy without rhyme or reason. And at some point in these three days  my beloved plumb tree blossomed!

Astonishingly beautiful and miraculous as always it never fails to fill me with a deep sense of wonderment and marvel at the world and nature.

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The Tombs of Atuan.



Ah! I must be honest! I suffered through the first 68 pages! It took me a week or more to read them. I was SO mad at Le Guin for having chosen such an oppressive and unloving environment and life for her first main female character. I kept on wondering why -as with Anne Rice, it is so difficult for women writers to create cool, interesting female characters. I felt kind of insulted by the stereotype and uncomfortable to be immersed in such dark world.

Page 69 made the difference. It was when Ged was introduced to the story. I couldn’t stop turning the pages and I suffered from sleep deprivation for two or three days until I finished the book. As it happened with the first book in the trilogy, “A Wizard of Earthsea” , the second book left me willing to start the third immediately.

Let’s see how this all ends! I still have the same feelings towards the experience. I deeply admire Le Guin as a great writer. I understand the logic of her decisions in matters of plot and characters. I even got involved emotionally with the characters, for better or worse. However, there’s something missing and I can’t completely nail it. Maybe it’s that in the end, I admire this universe as a great work of mastery. I find it interesting and wise, but  I wouldn’t like to live in it.

Still standing.


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What else can I say! I’m proud of being represented by this group of men who showed character and calmness in a pretty stressful situation. Now comes the match against Colombia with several forced changes, but I’m absolutely confident on the capability and willingness of every player in our National Team to be up to the task.
